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#1265: Books to recommend for prior reading?
#1265school· 1198d ago

Hi! I'm entering CHS in the upcoming academic year and while waiting for school to start just wanted to ask what are some good books to read to expand my knowledge? Fiction / non-fiction welcome, although I'd prefer non fic!

👍 4❤️ 0😂 0
  • same-shoe constant learner

    Before entering uni I read 'The Second World War' by Anthony Beevor. Really great historical read, although it's pretty darn long. Actually felt like it did help me to broaden my perspectives esp. since WWII is arguably the biggest turning point for humanity in the past few centuries.

    1198d ago · ·
  • gullible-deer

    Freakonomics or anything related to our world systems (capitalism, socialism, etc) You'll find these concepts coming up a lot in courses within pol sci, soci, global studies, econs, and such.

    1198d ago · ·
  • fiery-friction

    'this is what inequality looks like' is one such book that people have persistently told me to read — and while I don't particularly like the style or some of its content, for the most part i feel that it's a staple part of reading anything in SG!

    1198d ago · ·