Hi Prof Ben, I'm currently a final-year student in NUS High. I just finished my final internal exams and got my grades back, and to be honest, they are bad enough that my choices for which courses I can do in NUS are EXTREMELY limited, if I even have any. For context, my school does not offer national exams for subjects that are not Mother Tongue, instead opting to offer its own diploma. However, I find that I have better choices from other universities within Singapore. The problem is that most of these universities do not have the same name brand as NUS, which means I am locked out of top university graduate visas from countries like the UK and Japan, making emigration from Singapore that much harder. I had a look at the degrees that I might be eligible for within NUS, and to be honest, none of them interest me. Is it worth it to try to get into NUS if possible, or am I better off going elsewhere for university? P.S. Ignore the previous submission with the same title, I accidentally sent an earlier draft of this question, sorry, Prof Ben!