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#12004: TLDR: will there be light at the end...
#12004adviceromance· 248d ago

TLDR: will there be light at the end of the tunnel? 32M here with a very comfortable paying career, decent height and look imho with a good amount of experience dating different women whether younger or older. Many times I find these women out there are not the one for me, even when they are of quite high calibre already. Recently I met a 31F and fall in love with her since the 1st date. I cannot wait to see her again after every date and I look forward to all her msges to me. Pros - pretty, cute, honest, open minded, gentle with me, superb vibes, make me want to cuddle and protect her, v popular among her friends esp guys, s*x goddess and very clingy to me at times. Cons - broke as she dun have a job now, none of her her prev jobs last > 8mths, only want to look for easy paying job, party, like to hang out with male friends and always have guys hitting on her, live in the moment and dun like to be stress. For the 3 dates that we had, it was crazily beautiful. On normal days, if a girl tell me things about her exes or other guys or how a sexual goddess she is excessively, it is a major red flag and I am sure you people will agree with me. However for her, she fill me in with details of how many guys hit on her etc I feel very appreciated as she is honest with me and can’t wait to share about herself with me. but I also wonder why she is not interested in any of those guys hitting on her and what is her agenda of telling me. She want to let me know her market? Or want to make me jealous? Or she want to let me know I am a much better guy as compared to the rest. I want to believe that im better than most of them tho. I also want to believe that she is very open in sharing all the details like her sexual past is because she really like me and want me to know everything and nth to hide? I am not sure if I should continue dating her because I think I really love her but I am not sure if she is serious with me. I ask her about it and she say she is looking for something serious.

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  • Federal-Pudding 90's boy

    She is serious with you, hence honest conversations. She may want to be a homemaker instead of pursuing a career. You have to think abt the pros & cons and have no regrets before asking her for marriage. Hang out more to find out more about her, ok. When u have decided, can meet her parents after that.

    246d ago · ·