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#11953: Lovely girl working in Church Street Singapore
#11953romancelost-and-foundยท 246d ago

One evening, amidst the lively atmosphere of Church Street in Singapore, there was a lovely girl named Lyxxxxx (or i had remember the name wrongly), diligently managing an event that brought together various lounges for a promotional gathering. After a long day at work, I found myself unwinding with an old colleague, catching up over drinks. In the midst of our conversation, Lyxxxxx caught my attention with her infectious smile and warm demeanor. Despite the hectic nature of her job, she radiated a sense of calmness and grace as she ordered a plate of fries and a refreshing mocktail, taking a moment to herself amidst the bustling street. Feeling drawn to her presence, I seized the opportunity to buy her a drink when a street vendor selling roses passed by. With a bashful smile, she graciously accepted the flower, and I mustered the courage to invite her to join our table. To my delight, she agreed without hesitation, and we engaged in light conversation as she juggled her responsibilities. As an introvert, I found myself struggling to fully express myself, but Lynette's easygoing nature put me at ease. Despite the distractions of the event, we managed to share small snippets of our lives, building a connection amidst the chaos. However, as the night progressed and drinks were shared, I noticed Lynette starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. Sensing her discomfort, she started packing things up and calling it a night, and with a polite farewell, she bid us adieu. My heart fluttered with the hope of seeing her again, though I didn't want to impose on her evening any further. In the weeks that followed, whenever I was available, I found myself returning to the same spot on Church Street, hoping for another chance encounter with Lyxxxxx. Yet, each visit seemed to end in disappointment as she remained elusive. Despite the setbacks, my determination to see her again never wavered. With every passing day, my mind echoed with the thought of reconnecting with her, eager to unravel the mystery of the lovely girl from Church Street. Hoping this confession group can give me an helping hands in locating her.

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