you know how it is like to have a boss that was not qualified, not only he is academically unqualified, his experience was no way near the job he had. most of us believed that being a yes-man (carry balls) and betraying his colleagues brought him where he is. He had a few good years when he was promoted to a CSMO, but his true value shown when company ride thru a rocky path. in order for him to survive, he betrayed his colleagues, staffs just to keep his jobs, accepting a lower role while convince his new boss that he could one man take over several roles and region. talk about act it, until you make it. he is the living legacy of betray and a traitor of his colleagues, and his bosses that blindly promoted him, use his influences to laid off everyone so that he could survive. Thinking it is a great idea to control company cash flow, CB KIA introduce partial severance pay out by months for those he laid off, lucky it did not work out. a true survival corporates CB KIA. karma awaits
#12129: Act it, until you make it. (Corporates CB KIA)
#12129rantยท 43d ago
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