Recently, I resigned from my job that I was in my management eye’s best candidate for promotion, just to join my bf’s company/team. Due to differences in style of work, we had a lot of argument which greatly affected our relationship. Any friends and families whom have been asking, I usually just mentioned that we quarrel, and brush it off by saying which couple doesn’t man. None of them knew the exact details of what is going on except for myself because I truly feel that there is a need to keep our r/s details between us. After all, who air their family’s dirty laundry out? To my horror, I discovered that my bf has been sharing our r/s updates, status to our common colleagues and even screenshot of my conversation to our colleague. He shows the conversation just to show how bad my attitude has been? How bad of a girlfriend I am? But, who can have good friendly text during an argument? What is the purpose of sharing? Does bringing my image and bad front to outsider makes him feel better? Upon confronting him, he mentioned that I does the same. Is it the same between “we quarrel, there is miscommunication and style of working” vs “updating and sharing screenshot of my conversation with my bf”? I understand that if he really needed a someone to share.. If really needed, can we choose like our own friends and not a common colleague that we need face everyday? Maybe prior to my joining, he has always been sharing with the same person. But now that I join the same company/team, doesn’t the person had to be changed else it will be really awkward for me right? I always feel the important to protect my bf image in front of my friends and family but it seems like it is not the case for my bf. Perhaps, I am the outsider after all… Or I am thinking too much? He has the right to share? I am being too much for restricting him?
#12156: Is keeping relationship private not a norm anymore?
#12156advice· 30d ago
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